Monday, April 6, 2009

The First Weigh-In

It is hard to believe, but I have lost 6.5 pounds in 4 days. Of course, at this point, it has nothing to do with my efforts, but it is still pretty exciting to know that those pounds are never coming back. Even if long term, I regain a little of my weight back, I will never see 250 again!

The weirdest part is that automatically, the desire for food just went away. It is kind like when your sick and just don't even think about eating. This morning I made a 4-oz protein shake and completely forgot about it after drinking 2 ounces! How's that for weird. The thing I really need to work on is getting in all my water. I am supposed to have at least 64 oz a day--not an easy task when I am only supposed to take a sip at a time and can't drink 30 minutes before or after "meals" or "snacks".

I finally felt like I slept last night. My pain medication make me a little nauseous so I've tried to only take it when needed and right before bed.

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