Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Big Race

It was a lovely day for a run! I had a great time (thanks to my good friend and running partner, Alissa)! My actual time was 56:37 (about 11.5 minute miles) but since I had to stop to use one of the oh-so-lovely port-o-potties conveniently placed along the route, I'm guessing I ran about 11 minute miles overall. At the end, I was doing well and looking back, I certainly could have pushed myself. In fact, this morning I hopped on the tread mill and did a 5k in 32 minutes (under 10-minute miles). So, in the end, the race was a success if for no other reason it motivated me to step things up a notch. Oh, and the fact that I wasn't the last to cross the line after all.


  1. Amy! I had no idea you had had this surgery until we talked the other day! I wish I had known about this blog the whole time... I just got totally sucked in and read the whole thing during my lunch hour! It's so amazing what you have done! Congratulations to you for your strength and courage. I'm so happy and proud for you!

  2. Thanks, Kari! It has been an amazing journey so far!
